Exchange of Information and Bank Deposits in International Financial Centres


This paper assesses the impact of exchange of information on foreign-owned bank deposits in international fnancial centres (IFCs). IFC deposits declined globally by 24% or USD 410 billion during 2008 to 2019. The commencement of automatic exchange of information is associated on average with a 22% reduction in IFC bank deposits held by non-IFC jurisdictions. Increasing multilateral expansion of exchange of information on request seems to diminish marginal gains of new bilateral treaties. IFC jurisdictions specialising in banking activities have been mostly affected by increasing tax transparency. A comprehensive multilateral approach is thus fundamental for successfully increasing international tax transparency.

Special Issue “Real Consequences of Tax Administration and Enforcement” with guest editor Joel Slemrod Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics
Kevin Parra Ramirez
Kevin Parra Ramirez
PhD candidate in Economics, Sciences-Po Paris &

I am a Ph.D candidate at Sciences-Po Paris under the supervision of Prof. Philippe Martin (Sciences-Po) and Vincent Vicard (Deputy Director of CEPII) and Research Economist at Banque de France
