Source Themes

Why do banks have so many assets in tax havens?

The instruments of profit-shifting

French Banking Groups Location Strategy Abroad: Do Macroprudential Policies Matter?

The effect of leaks on tax evasion

The Distance Puzzle: How Spatial Econometrics can redefine the Effect of the Distance Variable on Financial Flows

Dissecting EU-China Economic Relations

This project presents a detailed analysis of EU‐China trade and investment relations, and of the associated dependencies and traditional trade policy concerns. At the macroeconomic level, the intensity of relations exhibits stark contrasts across …

Exchange of Information and Bank Deposits in International Financial Centres

This paper assesses the impact of exchange of information on foreign-owned bank deposits in international fnancial centres (IFCs). IFC deposits declined globally by 24% or USD 410 billion during 2008 to 2019. The commencement of automatic exchange of …

The Financial Situation of SMEs in August 2021 Based on Their Bank Accounts

Based on an analysis of over 100,000 bank accounts of French micro‐enterprises and SMEs, this project analyzes the effects of the health crisis and the subsequent government programs on their financial situation. We find that the liquidity of firms …

Can public procurement be a lever for relocating activity?

The article discusses the potential for public procurement to stimulate the relocalization of economic activity in France, either by encouraging "local" purchases or by gaining market share in foreign public procurement markets. We find that there is …

How can we effectively implement a carbon border adjustment mechanism at the borders?

This article intends to examine the border carbon adjustment mechanism as a potential complement to existing macro-environmental policies in light of the European Union's reaffirmed climate goals. Rather than solely targeting greenhouse gas emissions …